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Why is menstruation always easy to get sleepy? 2 tips to help

Healthy lifestyle 发布于:2023-11-09
Why is menstruation always easy to get sleepy? 2 tips to help
Sleepiness during menstruation is a normal phenomenon, which is mainly because of the decline in resistance, coupled with the influence of hormones caused, such people should pay more attention to rest, appropriate exercise, eat less sweet and greasy and high-fat food, in the end what is the cause of menstruation easy to feel sleepy?

What are the causes of easy to get sleepy during menstruation?

1. Insufficient Qi and blood

A large amount of blood will be lost during menstruation, which is easy to make patients dizzy and depressed, which shows that there is insufficient qi and blood, such people should eat more food with qi and blood, so that the body can maintain a healthy state.

2, a large amount of hormone secretion is reduced

Female hormones can maintain the body in a healthy state, female hormones will decline during menstruation, so it will also make people sleepy during menstruation, such people can eat more quail eggs or soy milk to supplement estrogen.

3. Excessive physical fatigue

During menstruation, people's resistance and immunity will decline, if you always stay up late and do not pay attention to rest, there will be physical fatigue symptoms, resulting in physical fatigue, you should pay more attention to rest, ensure adequate sleep, every night about 9 o 'clock should go to bed.

4, resistance and physical deterioration

Because of the physiological factors during menstruation, it will lead to decreased resistance, causing cold lethargy, weakness and physical exhaustion. In addition, a large amount of blood is lost during menstruation, and nutrients are also lost, resulting in general weakness and sleepiness.

How to be sleepy during menstruation?

1. Pay more attention to rest

Menstrual period is prone to general weakness and sleepiness, before and after menstruation must pay attention to rest, ensure that there are eight hours of sleep every day, do not stay up too much overdraft the body, do a good job of regulation.

2. Get more sun

When the sun is full, you can bask in the sun, not only to improve Yang, but also to supplement energy and relieve the body fatigue. In addition, we must pay attention to the use of eyes, do not play mobile phones and computers for a long time, nor read in dim light, excessive use of eyes will cause eye fatigue, after an hour of work should stand up and activity for a few minutes or do eye exercises.

Warm reminder

For women with poor physical fitness, they should supplement nutrition and eat foods rich in iron, such as animal blood and animal liver. Eat foods rich in high-quality protein, such as lean meat, milk, eggs, soy products, etc. Proper exercise, you can take tai chi or slow walking to improve blood circulation, so that energy becomes more abundant.