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How does caesarean section wound not leave scar? Here are 4 ways to cope

Healthy lifestyle 发布于:2023-11-09
How does caesarean section wound not leave scar? Here are 4 ways to cope
For the caesarean section of the crowd will leave a long scar on the stomach, especially the scar constitution of the crowd, looks like a small earthworm, this will affect the image, how to prevent caesarean section wound scar it.

How to prevent caesarean section wound scar?

1. Avoid infection

After the operation, it is necessary to keep the wound clean and dry to avoid infection, change the dressing frequently after the operation, keep the surrounding environment and the wound clean and dry, change the close-fitting bedding and clothes frequently after the operation, do not allow the body to bend or stretch excessively, and sleep on the side as far as possible, which can reduce the tension of the abdominal wall. This speeds up wound healing and reduces scar formation. When scar hyperplasia pain and itching, do not directly use the hand to scratch or stimulate, which may aggravate the pain, and even make the skin hurt, when the pain is unbearable, you can choose topical drugs under the guidance of the doctor to relieve the itch.

2, can not prematurely cut off the scar

Can not tear off the scab directly, do a good job of sun protection, if the scab is torn off too early, it is easy to take away the epidermal cells that remain in the repair stage directly, and even tear off the dermal tissue, causing local pain and itching, when the new skin is stimulated by ultraviolet light, it will leave melanin calm, to avoid being exposed to the sun.

3. Local pressure should be applied after wound healing

After removing the stitches should be applied immediately with silicone elastic bandage or elastic mesh for pressure and dressing, which can prevent the formation of scars. Through continuous pressure will cause scars, local hypoxia, thus inhibiting the generation of scars, can also be through ultra-short wave or wax therapy, physical therapy to prevent the generation of scars.

4, through surgery to improve

After a year after giving birth to a child, the scar can be removed by plastic surgery, but the scar within half a year is in an unstable period, must not be treated too early, at the beginning, you can choose elastic compression laser or local injection to treat, and so on, if the scar is still wide and long enough, it can be removed by plastic surgery.

Warm reminder

Usually to strengthen nutrition, eat more eggs, fish, lean meat, milk and fresh vegetables and fruits, so that the body can supplement protein and vitamins and mineral elements, a balanced diet can speed up the time of wound healing, try not to eat some spicy and stimulating food. Proper exercise, do not lie flat on the bed all the time, when the wound itching can not use the hand directly to scratch.