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6 tips for daily skin care for women are simple and practical!

Healthy lifestyle 发布于:2023-11-09
6 tips for daily skin care for women are simple and practical!
Now people pay attention to the idea of skin care is more and more strong, especially for women, we must do a good job of daily skin care measures, not only to supplement water for the body, reasonable use of skin care products should also develop good living habits.

What are the common sense tips for women's skin care?

1. Eat more fruit in the morning

The fruit contains a large number of trace elements, carbohydrates, cellulose, while organic acids, pectin and vitamins are also very rich, can promote the digestion of food, has the effect of softening blood vessels, but also can enhance the function of the heart muscle, prevent hypertension and high cholesterol.

2. Massage the skin properly

Try to choose less facial cleanser, first squeeze a small amount of facial cleanser in the palm and then rub out the foam, directly apply the foam on the face, massage the abdomen of the middle finger and little finger from the inside out, massage for 20 minutes, clean with water in time.

3, eat more food with beauty

Usually you can eat more walnuts, lemons, citrus fruits and sesame, etc., which can make the skin more whitening, but also has the effect of anti-wrinkle. To control the intake of salt and fat, try not to smoke and drink, can not stay up late, eat more vegetables and fruits, not only can delay aging, but also can dilute the wrinkles on the face, so that the skin to maintain a certain finish.

4. Add vinegar to warm water

When you wash your face at night, you can add an appropriate amount of vinegar to the water, or you can wipe 5:1 of vinegar and glycerin directly on the skin, which can make the skin more delicate. Combining 250 ml of old vinegar with 350 ml of warm water can relieve itching and hair loss.

5. You should drink a glass of water before taking a shower

You should drink a cup of plain water before taking a bath, which can not only promote the metabolism of the skin, but also allow the tissues and cells in the body to quickly obtain body fluids, so that the skin is in a moist state and prevent dry skin.

6. Drink plenty of water when working in an air-conditioned room

Staying in the air-conditioned room or heating room for a long time will reduce the indoor humidity, easy to make the skin dry and peeling situation, such people in addition to choosing skin care products should also drink more water to keep the skin moisturized.

Warm reminder

Through the above methods can make women's skin become better and better, every night before going to bed must be thoroughly remove makeup, usually should eat more food with beauty, more water for the body. To maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, do not worry all the time, get rid of bad habits, ensure enough sleep, reduce late nights.