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Avoid these 5 foods to avoid an increasingly ugly diet in the New Year

Healthy lifestyle 发布于:2023-11-09
Avoid these 5 foods to avoid an increasingly ugly diet in the New Year
Every woman wants to live a delicate life, but some women find themselves becoming uglier and uglier even if they use expensive skin care products every day, which is mainly directly related to bad diet structure and bad living habits. What food will cause women to become uglier and uglier?

Avoid these 5 foods to avoid an increasingly ugly diet in the New Year

1. Cake makes women fat

Our usual food is mainly divided into non-intensive and intensive, vegetables and fruits belong to the non-intensive food, five cereals food, milk and meat belong to the intensive food, in our usual food collocation, we should only eat intensive food to match vegetables in a meal. Cake contains a lot of starch and protein are dense foods, if you eat too much will cause body obesity.

2. Cookies make you fat

Many women like to eat cookies, but it will contain a lot of fortified flour, artificial colors and a lot of sugar, if too much consumption, it will not only cause abdominal pain, but also cause body obesity.

3. Kimchi can speed up aging

To the Spring Festival, many people like to eat some pickled food, such as pickled fish and vegetables, the salt inside will be directly converted into nitrite, by the catalytic effect of enzymes in the body, and various substances will form nitrite amine and other carcinogens, if you eat too much it will not only accelerate the aging of the body, but also increase the risk of cancer.

4, canned fruit can cause body obesity

No matter what kind of nutritional value in the tin will be damaged to a certain extent, there is almost no nutritional value in the tin, some proteins in the tin may also be denaturated, reducing the ability to digest and absorb, thus shrinking the nutritional value. Canned fruit contains a lot of sugar, mainly in the form of liquid into the body, increasing the absorption rate of sugar, after eating will increase blood sugar in a short time, increase the burden of the pancreas.

5. Alcohol causes wrinkles

Drinking alcohol can not only cause serious damage to the kidneys and liver, but also reduce the quality of sleep, and eventually make the eyes in a state of bloodshot, the formation of bags under the eyes, the skin becomes more and more rough, breeding wrinkles. Every day before going to bed can drink a glass of red wine contains resveratrol, belongs to the antioxidant, can remove harmful free radicals to the skin can also protect the skin, but for rosacea women, do not drink any alcohol containing drinks, otherwise it will aggravate the symptoms.

Warm reminder

The above 5 foods will make women more and more ugly, and reduce the number of chewing gum, otherwise it will lead to more and more developed masseter muscle. Reduce the number of times to play mobile phone, otherwise it will cause double chin, deepen neck lines.