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How to remove makeup to clean? 4 different parts of the makeup removal techniques are different

Healthy lifestyle 发布于:2023-11-08
How to remove makeup to clean? 4 different parts of the makeup removal techniques are different
The word makeup is more popular among many girls, especially walking on the street, we are not difficult to find that the streets are full of beautiful women, every girl is heavily made up, makeup can be said to have made the girls rebuild a new life, but then again, many girls do not pay attention to remove makeup, they tend to wash their face lightly at night. In fact, it is meaningless to do so, and will even cause serious damage to the face, or some skin diseases, so what do we need to do when we want to have a good skin?

How to remove makeup to clean? 4 different parts of the makeup removal techniques are different!

Detail one: Eyebrow makeup

Now, although many people are tattooed eyebrows, do not need to take off the eyebrow every day, but there are still a lot of beauty in their own eyebrow, so for this kind of eyebrow needs us all to pay more attention when removing makeup, because the eyebrow is the pigment of the eyebrow pencil left on the skin resulting in the appearance of the eyebrow shape, but to the evening must wash this pigment, we can dip into some makeup remover, Use cotton balls to rub horizontally and vertically repeatedly, especially the eyebrows are more pigmented, we must make great efforts, otherwise the pigment residue will lead to skin diseases.

Detail two: Eye makeup

Eye makeup in the whole face makeup is more complex, and in the removal of makeup should also pay more attention to, most people tend to remove makeup water directly scrub the eyes, so that the entire eye full of cosmetics, so it is easy to make debris into the eyes, causing inflammation. Then this requires us to use a special makeup remover to apply to the eyes when removing eye makeup, and then wipe slowly with a makeup remover cotton in one direction after the eye makeup dissolves, especially the inside of the eyelashes.

Detail 3: Lip makeup

Red can make a woman's whole face more sexy, so lipstick is almost a must for every woman, so since the application in the makeup off do not ignore, even if the lip makeup is not so bright before, but also pay more attention, otherwise excessive pigment accumulation will make the lips become dull.

Detail 4: Base makeup

The base makeup to be unloaded is our daily application of water, milk, cream, etc., so when unloading makeup, if you feel that you apply it is relatively simple, you can use makeup remover to wipe on the line, if the application is more complex, we need to take a little trouble, such as you can use professional makeup remover oil and then gently wipe with both hands on the face, and then rinse off with flowing water.

I believe that everyone is also a makeup expert in daily life, so when you remove makeup is not as careful as introduced? Cosmetics have a certain amount of chemicals, so we must pay attention to carefully clean the face.