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How to avoid acne during menstruation? Four points should be kept in mind to prevent acne during menstruation

Healthy lifestyle 发布于:2023-11-08
How to avoid acne during menstruation? Four points should be kept in mind to prevent acne during menstruation
Many friends will have menstrual acne phenomenon, when the menstrual period comes, the beauty of female friends will feel abnormal trouble. What can we do to prevent pimples from breaking out on our face when our period comes? Here are some tips to learn.

How to avoid acne during menstruation? Four points should be kept in mind to prevent acne during menstruation

1. Please pay attention to greasy food

Greasy foods are an important cause of acne. Especially when our period comes, our oil levels will change and oil production will increase rapidly. Therefore, when the period comes, we must pay attention to not eat greasy food, otherwise it will promote the generation of acne. When the period comes, be sure to eat some light food, food containing vitamins also help to curb the growth of acne. So when the period comes, please temporarily quit fried chicken and fried food, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, help relieve the generation of acne, have a beautiful face.

2. Avoid staying up late

Staying up late is very harmful to the skin. Especially when our period comes, if we don't get enough rest, our oil production levels will be high. When the period comes, it is very necessary to keep enough sleep, because the body is in a weak state, and a good sleep helps the body recover. At the same time, it helps to maintain our endocrine and oil secretion to an appropriate level. When the body is in a good state, the acne problem may be solved.

3. Cold water should be taboo

Be sure to take care of your body when you are menstruating. Cold water has a very strong effect on the period of weakness. Excessive exposure to cold water, or even washing our hair with cold water, can have a significant effect on our bodies. Not only will it make us grow some acne, it may even bury a security risk for our future, causing us to have irregular menstruation or dysmenorrhea.

4. Do a good job of cleansing

Cleaning your face is the key to avoiding acne. Especially when we are in the menstrual period, our oil secretion level increases, but also to do a good job of facial cleaning work, the right facial cleanser and the right water temperature are very important. During menstruation, it is especially important to wash your face with warm water and avoid cold water.

Do a good job of menstrual maintenance and nursing work, menstrual no longer have acne. Pay attention to your own maintenance work. Some inappropriate behavior should be avoided as much as possible, and some inappropriate things should be kept away as much as possible. When we do these things well, not only do we no longer have to worry about acne during the period, but we can have a good body.