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How do dark circles under the eyes form? How should dark circles be eliminated

Healthy lifestyle 发布于:2023-11-08
How do dark circles under the eyes form? How should dark circles be eliminated
The word dark circles is no stranger to us, we often hear small partners say that dark circles are too heavy, no matter what concealer is used, foundation can not cover up, eye cream is also used a lot, but it doesn't work, then the problem comes, since dark circles are so stubborn, how do we deal with it?

First, we must understand the origin of dark circles

The formation of dark circles, often heard the reason is that often stay up late leading to lack of sleep, in the long run, resulting in a week of melanin precipitation under the eyes. Indeed, it has a lot to do with staying up late, so in fact, there are many reasons for dark circles, staying up late is just one of them. The origin of the dark circles is also caused by slow aging, the normal condition of old and sick, as the age gets older, the dark circles will follow, and the unstable state of mind, the excessive use of the eyes for a long time, resulting in eye swelling fatigue and so on will lead to the occurrence of dark circles. So we do not think that a single black eye as long as you do not stay up late will certainly be good. But staying up late is a big part of it.

Second, will there be other effects after the appearance of dark circles?

Dark circles are mostly caused by acquired factors, staying up late, excessive eye use, smoking and other reasons, generally in this case caused by dark circles will not appear other problems. If the above reasons are excluded, after improving the bad habits of sleep and life, dark circles still exist, in this case, you should go to the hospital in time to find out whether there are other diseases. Don't be careless.

Third, after the appearance of dark circles in ordinary life to pay attention to what?

Staying up late is one of the most serious acquired factors that cause dark circles, so usually pay more attention to sleep, maintain a regular schedule, a healthy attitude, do not have too much emotional ups and downs, more group exercise, exercise. Do not use your eyes for a long time, rest your eyes more, and look far away in the lounge to relieve eye fatigue. Or close your eyes and rest, you can also massage your eyes more often to help relieve the sense of swelling in your eyes. You can eat more protein-rich foods, fresh fruits and vegetables and so on. Use less alcohol and tobacco and don't eat stimulating food.

Dark circles will have a very obvious imprint, make people look unhealthy and affect facial appearance, so I hope you can protect your eyes more through some of the above content. Friends who often use cosmetics should also pay attention to the protection measures for the eyes to do so, in order to prevent some ingredients in cosmetics from causing harm to the rigorous. If it is caused by disease, be sure to seek medical treatment in time, follow the doctor's arrangement, and scientific treatment. Dark circles fade for a long time, so you need to be able to stick to it for a long time, not to return to the previous bad habits after half of the improvement.