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Here are four things women need to do to get a healthy period

Healthy lifestyle 发布于:2023-11-08
Here are four things women need to do to get a healthy period
A woman's uterus is very important, and the health of the uterus can reflect a woman's physical condition to a certain extent. There are many female friends in daily life to protect their own uterus is not in place, or even do not pay attention to, which is easy to suffer from some gynecological diseases. Women in the menstrual period is very fragile, so in these days, especially pay attention to do a good job of maintaining the uterus.

What does a woman do during her period?

1. Protect your waist

During the period of drinking before menstruation, there are many women who will have different degrees of pain in the waist, and many female friends will beat the waist to relieve the pain. This is very dangerous, not only does not relieve the pain, but also leads to increased pelvic congestion, which leads to prolonged menstrual periods and lower back pain symptoms will last longer. Menstrual time becomes longer or shorter will cause some gynecological diseases, so female friends in the menstrual period must protect their waist, do not hit the waist, but also to avoid the waist cold.

2. Soak your feet regularly

There are many acupoints on our feet, and the acupoints of our feet are associated with the whole body, so it is very useful for our health to soak our feet and massage our feet often. Many female friends will have cold hands and feet after entering puberty, so female friends should usually insist on using hot water to relieve cold hands and feet. Be sure to stick to foot soaking during the menstrual period, foot soaking can speed up blood circulation, help the woman's uterus to expel toxins, but also to relieve menstrual pain.

3. Avoid cold water

In daily life, many people do not care whether the water they use to wash their hands is hot or cold, especially when they go out. But female friends should pay attention to, whether it is winter or summer, it is best to wash your hands with warm water. Women in the menstrual period, be sure not to touch cold water, it is best to use warm water to absorb and wash things, do not let their hands get cold. Menstrual period women's body resistance will become weak, this time is very easy to get sick, often touch cold water will lead to delayed menstruation or menstrual pain in the future.

4. Change your underwear often

Women in the menstrual period of the body resistance decline, this time germs and bacteria is very easy to invade the female body, so in order to health, must often change their underwear. Especially in the menstrual period of women's underwear you can easily be stained with menstrual blood, this is to be replaced in time and clean underwear, so as not to clean underwear caused by vaginal infection, gynecological diseases.

Women pay attention to their physical health in daily life, especially during the menstrual period, and do not do things that are not conducive to physical health. Menstrual women are very fragile, must pay attention to their personal hygiene, so as not to suffer from gynecological diseases.