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Is it normal to grow age spots at 40 years old? These factors could be playing a role

Healthy lifestyle 发布于:2023-11-08
Is it normal to grow age spots at 40 years old? These factors could be playing a role
Relatively speaking, age spots generally appear in people over the age of 50, but in real life, many people begin to grow age spots at the age of 40, is this normal? Let's find out!

Is it normal to grow age spots at 40 years old?

When the age is increasing, the functions of the human body will also begin to decline with age, such as the ability of the skin to secrete melanin begins to decrease, resulting in facial stains. However, it is understood that the age of 40 years old age spots or belong to the early range, this situation is generally related to endocrine disorders in the body, such as blood stasis, kidney deficiency, etc., it is easy to make middle-aged people around 40 years old begin to appear melasma, and even age spots.

In addition, age spots at the age of 40 May also be caused by these factors:

First, do not pay attention to sun protection when going out

As we all know, sunscreen outside can avoid direct UV rays on the face, but also improve melanin deposition, keep the face firm and young. However, many people do not bother and choose not to wear sunscreen, over time it is easy to make the face of the stain problem, serious may lead to early age spots. Therefore, if you want to avoid the early appearance of age spots, or to avoid the deterioration of age spots, go out must do a good job of sun protection, chemical sun protection at the same time do not forget the physical sun protection oh!

2. Long-term disturbance of work and rest time

Nowadays, more and more young people stay up late, and with the more complete functions of mobile phones, often staying up late has become a daily state of many people. However, staying up late will not only hurt the body, but also easily affect the state of the skin. In addition, many people stay up longer on Saturday and Sunday, leading to a disturbance in the rest time, which can induce the early appearance of age spots. Therefore, if you want to improve age spots or avoid the appearance of age spots, you need to adjust your schedule and keep enough sleep every day.

Third, long-term use of unqualified makeup products

People have the heart of beauty, today's women will go out to wear a beautiful makeup, but if the long-term use of unqualified skin care products or cosmetics, the damage to the skin is great, easily lead to skin pigmentation, such as freckles, melasma, age spots and so on. Therefore, whether it is for health or for the skin, female friends must choose suitable and qualified products for makeup and skin care.

No exercise for a long time

Exercise can speed up the body's metabolism and help rid the body of waste, so people who maintain exercise habits for a long time tend to look younger, but also healthier. If you do not exercise for a long time, it is easy to make the skin pigment can not be discharged, which leads to the appearance of color spots. Therefore, friends who want to remove freckles may wish to move it, accelerate metabolism, and improve facial spots.

Warm reminder

Good eating habits can also avoid the early appearance of age spots, if there has been age spots, can also be improved by appropriate nutritional diet, such as eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, supplement the vitamins needed in the body, reduce the deposition of color spots, improve the appearance of the face.