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Women must pay attention to health during menstruation 5 nursing measures are indispensable

Healthy lifestyle 发布于:2023-11-08
Women must pay attention to health during menstruation 5 nursing measures are indispensable
Menstruation is something that every woman has to experience every month, it is a normal physiological cycle, because every month to discharge a lot of blood, therefore, some women may have a variety of symptoms during menstruation, such as dysmenorrhea, dizziness, etc., therefore, all female friends should first understand what they should pay attention to during menstruation.

What should women pay attention to during menstruation?

1, refuse to cold-related matters

During menstruation, women must not drink cold water, eat raw and cold food, take cold showers, etc., which will increase the chance of women dysmenorrhea and cold. Therefore, women during menstruation, be sure to heat hot water, put in a thermos cup, if there is dysmenorrhea phenomenon, drink more hot water can be alleviated.

2. Get plenty of rest

During menstruation, you should put down the things at hand, rest more, avoid too strenuous exercise and strong workload, because strenuous exercise and long-term work will lead to pelvic blood circulation, resulting in pelvic bleeding, pelvic bleeding will lead to back pain, increased menstrual volume.

3. Pay attention to hygiene

During menstruation, the lower body emits a lot of dirty blood, which needs to be cleaned regularly. Every once in a while to replace clean sanitary napkins, sanitary napkins are best to choose good quality, can effectively inhibit the growth of bacteria, it is best to clean the pubis two to three times a day, clean the blood around, underwear should be changed every day, be sure to choose cotton material, can breathe, only in this way, in order to minimize the risk of gynecological inflammation.

4. Watch your diet

During menstruation, it is forbidden to eat spicy and irritating food, these foods will promote uterine bleeding, increase the symptoms of uterine pain, you can use some light, nutritious, easy to digest food instead, such as hot soup, hot porridge, etc., according to your own taste, stew soup with different foods, porridge, both can nourish the body, and relieve the pain.

5. Be cheerful

Because the menstrual period will appear pain, lethargy and other symptoms, these symptoms will bring some bad mood, therefore, women in these days the mood is very impatient, at this time, should always maintain a happy mood, if something angry, you can go out for a breath, breathe fresh air, good mood, menstrual symptoms will be less.

The above are some women during menstruation should pay attention to the place, because women in their life to experience menarche, sexual life, giving birth to children and other important periods, these periods of women are the most weak only before their own, well protect themselves, will not cause harm to their own body.