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How should care for skin after staying up late? Give you a few practical tips

Healthy lifestyle 发布于:2023-11-08
How should care for skin after staying up late? Give you a few practical tips
With the continuous improvement of the quality of life, people's pace of life is also slowly changing, and it is very common for young people to work overtime and be late. Some people will have very dark skin after staying up late, without any luster, and will have more serious skin problems. For example, rough skin or acne, this is when we need to understand how to care for the skin after staying up late.

How should care for skin after staying up late?

1. Clean skin is key

We must do a good job of cleaning our skin after staying up late. If the skin is in a state of makeup dust for a long time, pores are easy to block, breathing is not smooth, if the makeup is not completely removed, adding more nutrients is useless and can not be fully absorbed by the skin, so makeup removal and cleaning work is very important. Even if you do not wear makeup, your skin will be clogged with dust and various harmful substances after work every day. Therefore, skin care and cleanliness are the foundation.

2. Replenish the essence in time

After staying up late, the appropriate use of some night cream or serum around 9 p.m. is the best time for skin care, because after 11 p.m., the skin belongs to the most active repair period. Therefore, at this time, the cells have a strong absorption capacity for certain skin care products, and some anti-aging night creams and sermons can be properly used before 11 o 'clock every night to help the skin repair damage and replenish enough collagen and elastin.

3, ice can effectively relieve dark circles

If you have severe dark circles under your eyes after staying up late, you can make a small ice pack, put some ice in it, wrap it in a handkerchief and gently apply it to your eyes for a few minutes. Then gently massage your eyes with a green tea bag, or cut fresh cucumber slices and apply them to your eyes for about 15 minutes, then simply say. Massage with shiatsu, from the eye to the end of the eye, gently press with the ring finger, repeat about 7 times, for swelling and dark circles under the eye, the situation will improve very well.

4. Drinking coffee can remove edema

In addition, you can drink a small cup of black coffee without adding sugar and milk when you feel bloated, which can effectively expel excess water from the body and help eliminate facial edema. This is the approach used by many models or actors. While it's not particularly healthy, it can also be tried in the Nick of time.

In addition, many people will have more serious bags under the eyes after staying up late, mainly because the blood circulation caused by a large number of toxins can not be discharged normally. So will form more serious dark circles and bags under the eyes, you can choose suitable for your skin whitening products or eye cream, especially for some obvious dark spots around the eyes effect is still relatively good, do not fish for three days two days sun nets, long-term use of the eyes can get a good effect to eliminate bags.