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Women Need to Be Aware: The Hidden Hazards Behind Beautiful Nails

Healthy lifestyle 发布于:2023-11-07
Women Need to Be Aware: The Hidden Hazards Behind Beautiful Nails

Extend your hands, adorned with vibrant colors and beautiful designs. How lovely it is! Nail art can make our hands look beautiful, and many women are crazy about it, frequently changing nail styles. However, behind these attractive nails, there are hidden health risks. Do you know what they are?

Women need to be aware of the hidden hazards behind beautiful nails:

Dull and Yellow Nails: Nail polish comes in bright and varied colors because it contains synthetic and mineral pigments. These pigments can adhere to your nails and cause them to lose their natural shine, making your nails appear dull and yellow.

Deterioration of Nail Quality: Regularly applying nail polish can damage the quality of your nails. While beautiful colors may seem like an attractive outfit for your nails, they hinder the nail's "breathing," making them more brittle, prone to breakage, tearing, and slower growth.

Increased Risk of Nail Separation from the Nail Bed: Some women who apply nail polish for extended periods may experience nail corrosion, causing the nail structure to weaken. In severe cases, this can lead to nails easily separating from the nail bed, making nails more susceptible to infection, including fungal nail infections.

Chronic Toxicity: The application of nail polish can result in chronic toxicity, which is not an exaggeration but rather a scientifically supported fact. Brightly colored nail polishes contain a significant amount of synthetic pigments, which, when adhering to your nails for extended periods, may lead to chronic toxicity. Nail polishes also contain harmful chemicals like formaldehyde and dibutyl phthalate, which can cause chronic toxicity in the human body.

Dizziness and Discomfort: Those who have applied nail polish before would be familiar with the strong and pungent odors that accompany the process. This is due to the volatile nature of the toxic chemicals in nail polish when they come into contact with the air. These odors can be quite overpowering and may lead to dizziness and discomfort.

Adverse Effects on Pregnant Women and Fetal Development: Pregnant women should avoid using nail polish because it contains many harmful chemicals that could potentially affect the development of the fetus in the womb. Additionally, nail polish use can increase the risk of miscarriage during pregnancy. For the health of both the developing fetus and the pregnant woman, it is advisable to refrain from using nail polish.

Cancer: Nail polish contains various harmful chemicals that can significantly harm the human body. These toxic chemicals can be absorbed through the skin and increase the risk of developing cancer.

For beauty-conscious women, occasionally applying nail polish is acceptable. However, it's wise to use nail polish sparingly to prioritize your health. Alternatively, you can explore various nail care methods. Even without nail polish, your nails can remain naturally beautiful.