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How should we take care of oily skin? Sunscreen is the key measure

Promotional informat 发布于:2023-11-07
How should we take care of oily skin? Sunscreen is the key measure

For many people with oily skin, the biggest annoyance is that the skin is always oily. We know that acne-prone skin is largely caused by excess oil production. Therefore, faced with oily skin, many people feel helpless, especially for those who like to wear makeup. After finally applying a perfect makeup, it looks bad due to oily skin. So, how should we take care of our skin when it is oily?

How should we take care of oily skin? Sunscreen is the key measure!

1. Choose skincare products wisely

With the development of the cosmetics industry, there are a wide variety of makeup products available in the market for us to choose from. However, the different effects of these cosmetics on our skin are not the same. Many people tend to ignore this and simply follow the trend in buying makeup products, neglecting to consider what type of skin they have and what products are suitable for them. For people with oily skin, it indicates that our body secretes more sebum. At this time, our sebaceous glands are in a more active state. We can choose skincare products that control oil, moisturize, and balance sebum production. For those with combination skin, focus on taking care of the T-zone.

2. Regularly care for the skin

We all know that another reason for oily skin is likely due to clogged pores, which prevent the skin from breathing and cause the production of excess oil. Therefore, when the skin is oily, we can try to cleanse the skin more often to prevent clogging and reduce blackheads. However, be careful not to directly squeeze blackheads with your fingers, as this can easily introduce bacteria and cause pore infections. Such pores will become larger over time, which is not beneficial to our skin.

3. Ensure proper sun protection

The most common reason for oily skin is not doing a good job of sun protection. When the skin is directly exposed to UV rays, it is prone to oil production. In this case, for those with oily skin, we must pay attention to sun protection. Whether indoors or outdoors, we should develop the habit of sun protection. Use sunscreen more frequently and consider bringing an umbrella and wearing a hat when going outdoors. Additionally, many people may think that there is no UV radiation on cloudy days or when the sun is not shining directly. However, this is not correct; even on cloudy days, UV rays still exist. Therefore, sun protection should be practiced at all times.

In conclusion, we must take care of and repair oily skin from the fundamental level. It should not be neglected, as many people develop acne and even worse skin conditions due to lack of attention. Skincare should also be done in moderation. Overdoing it can overload the skin, just like how a person can't withstand excessive pressure.