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Do Women Love Eating Sweets? The 6 Major Hazards of Long-Term Sugar Consumption

Healthy nourishment 发布于:2023-11-02
Do Women Love Eating Sweets? The 6 Major Hazards of Long-Term Sugar Consumption

Especially middle-aged women tend to enjoy eating sweets. If they consume excessive amounts of honey, beverages, candy, desserts, or cheese, it can lead to a new condition known as "sweet syndrome." Excessive sugar intake increases insulin secretion, accelerates cholesterol buildup, and disrupts the balance of cholesterol, phospholipids, and bile in the bile. Furthermore, excessive sugar can be converted into fat, impacting normal appetite and hindering the absorption of vitamins and other nutrients, potentially causing obesity in women.

What Are the Hazards of Long-Term Sugar Consumption for Women?

Leads to Osteoporosis
During the body's metabolic processes, the breakdown of carbohydrates generates many intermediate products, such as acetoacetic acid and lactic acid. These substances can lead to an acidosis condition in the body. To maintain the body's acid-base balance, essential substances like calcium, magnesium, and sodium participate in neutralization. A lack of calcium in the body can weaken muscle hardness and tension, disrupt the mechanisms that regulate blood pressure, and lead to osteoporosis due to calcium deficiency in bones.

Causes Weight Gain
Sugar consumed by the body is digested and absorbed, with some of it being used as an energy source and another part being stored as glycogen in muscles and the liver. A significant portion of the remaining carbohydrates in the body is converted into fat, and sugar also acts on the nervous system to stimulate eating and suppress the sensation of hunger, preventing appetite from disappearing.

Increases the Risk of Breast Cancer
Middle-aged and elderly women who consume sweets are more susceptible to breast cancer, as sugar intake accelerates cell aging, leading to wrinkles, and changes in skin and hair color. Consuming large quantities of sweets makes individuals prone to conditions such as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, diabetes, cerebral thrombosis, etc., which also deplete the body's calcium stores, causing calcium to leach from bones and leading to osteoporosis.

Predisposes to Gynecological Vaginitis
The intake of sugar is closely linked to Candida infection, with many patients experiencing significantly elevated blood sugar or glycosuria levels. Reducing daily sugar intake has been shown to reduce the incidence or recurrence of Candida vaginitis within a year, demonstrating an association between sugar intake and Candida infection.

Facilitates the Formation of Calcium Oxalate Precipitates
If women consume too much sugar, the organic acids present in sugar, which are strong, can increase stomach acid levels. This exacerbates the discomfort of patients with gastric diseases and contributes to the development of conditions such as gastric ulcers. Sugar reduces gastrointestinal motility, leading to constipation. Excessive sugar production in the kidneys results in high concentrations of oxalic acid. Oxalic acid and calcium react chemically to form calcium oxalate precipitates, which make up urinary and kidney stones.

Reduces Immune System Function
Sugar is an acidic food that, when consumed in large quantities, leads to acid-alkali imbalances in the body. This results in a neutral or weakly acidic environment, which reduces the body's immune response, weakens white blood cell resistance to external virus attacks, and, in conjunction with calcium deficiency, becomes a triggering factor for cancer.

In conclusion, excessive sugar consumption can negatively affect the absorption and metabolism of vitamins and minerals, which has extremely detrimental effects on women's overall health. Therefore, for the sake of their health, women should consider reducing their sugar intake.