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What Soup Should Women with Blood and Qi Deficiency Drink?

Healthy nourishment 发布于:2023-10-31
What Soup Should Women with Blood and Qi Deficiency Drink?

Women naturally love to look beautiful, with a rosy and radiant complexion. However, when the body lacks Qi and blood, the complexion can become dull and lifeless, making a person appear much older. Therefore, women with blood and Qi deficiencies should learn to drink soups that nourish Qi and blood. So, what kind of soup should women with blood and Qi deficiencies drink?

You can use these 7 ingredients to cook soups that help replenish blood and Qi:

1. Chicken: Chicken meat is known for replenishing blood and Qi, promoting beauty and overall well-being. Consuming chicken regularly can also enhance your constitution. When making chicken soup, you can use old hens, as the soup from mature hens has the added benefit of dispelling wind and replenishing blood. This is suitable for individuals who experience dizziness and blurred vision due to blood and Qi deficiencies.

2. Lamb: Lamb can tonify the middle, boost Yang, and enrich the blood. Regularly eating lamb can also warm the middle, improve appetite, and contribute to overall health. To make lamb soup, you can pair it with dried tangerine peel and hawthorn, which is highly suitable for individuals with anemia or postpartum Qi and blood deficiencies.

3. Pumpkin: Pumpkin is rich in amino acids, zinc, iron, phosphorus, and other essential elements, making it an excellent blood-replenishing food. When making pumpkin soup, you can add lean meat to help maintain the proper functioning of red blood cells.

4. Red Dates: Red dates are known for their warm nature and are considered one of the best foods for blood replenishment. They are highly suitable for women to nourish blood, especially during the pre- and post-menstrual periods. Adding red dates to your soup can not only replenish Qi and blood but also improve blood circulation, providing excellent beauty benefits.

5. Pig Liver: Pig liver is known for its liver-nourishing and blood-enriching properties, and it can also benefit eye health. When making liver soup, you can add wolfberry leaves. This is particularly suitable for individuals with blood and Qi deficiencies, a dull complexion, and iron-deficiency anemia.

6. Black Fungus: Black fungus is a highly nutritious edible fungus with a high iron and vitamin content, making it an excellent choice for blood replenishment. Preparing a soup with black fungus and some mushrooms is not only delicious but also great for maintaining a youthful complexion and replenishing blood.

7. Longan: Longan is a wonderful ingredient for soups by itself, as it helps invigorate the spleen and replenish blood. It can improve symptoms like insomnia caused by Qi and blood deficiencies. You can add longan to chicken soup, lotus seed soup, and many other types of soups.

These are seven ingredients suitable for making nourishing soups, along with instructions on how to prepare them. Women with blood and Qi deficiencies, as well as those who are looking to enhance their beauty, can incorporate these ingredients into their daily soups. By maintaining this habit, you'll be one step closer to achieving beauty and overall well-being.